
Insurance Helper Blog




Used Car Dealer Insurance – An Overview

If you are in the car business, or thinking of getting into the car business, one area in which you will want to develop some expertise is used car dealers insurance.  Insurance for a used car dealer is a bit of an unusual animal in the insurance world and there are many agents who don’t fully understand how it works.  So how can a non-insurance person get it right?  This article will give you the tips you need to get started in this important facet of your business.  Note, the information in this article is aimed at NC used car dealer insurance, but most of the basics remain the same in other states as well.

Insurance for a used car dealer is different from a lot of business insurance policies because your inventory moves around.  Not only that, your inventory is being driven by customers before they buy and is capable of inflicting huge damages on others.   These factors alone make your insurance solution very unique from most other mom and pop businesses out there.  So, to keep this simple, we will take these items one at a time and break it down for you.

Garage Liability – This is the place to start.  You will need a garage liability policy in order to get your dealer tags.  In NC, these policies are rated based on the number of tags you have and the number of salespeople you have.  Also, if you furnish a tag to yourself or some other member of your family or an employee, then that will increase your premiums as well.  The basic garage liability section of the NC garage insurance policy is designed to protect your business from damages done by your vehicles to other people or their property.  Be very careful here to check the limits of liability that you are purchasing on your garage liability coverage.  You don’t want to just chase the lowest price without considering your liability limits.   The rule of thumb should be to purchase the highest liability limits that you can afford as you are trying to protect against large, unknown loss values that threaten to wipe out your business completely.  Also be careful to choose adequate limits for your uninsured motorists and your underinsured motorists coverages. 

Dealers Open Lot Coverage – This is protection for your cars themselves, your inventory.  Here you need to select a limit that at least covers your highest level of inventory.   Also, you should choose the highest deductible that you can afford in the event of a loss.  Higher deductibles will reduce the costs of this insurance protection.  And, if you work on cars that are owned by others, you need to consider garagekeepers insurance as well.  To read more about that situation, see my blog on garagekeepers for car dealers.

Workers Compensation – If you hire employees I highly recommend that you purchase workers compensation insurance.  I find that in North Carolina, many dealers skip this coverage when they only have one or two employees.  This is a dangerous approach and has the potential to bring your very business down.   Please take a moment to read my blog on work comp for car dealers.

Dealer Bond – In NC each car dealer has to post a $50,000 bond with the state of NC in order to obtain and maintain a dealer’s license.  You can purchase this bond through your insurance agent.  You can read more about this regulatory requirement here.

Property Coverage – If you own your building, or if you have business personal property that you need to protect, be sure to purchase the commercial property insurance to cover these items.  Often doing this reduces your garage insurance costs as some companies will give you a multi policy or package discount for combining these policies into one package.

Now that you have a better understanding of which types of policies you should consider, I want to spend a moment on how you should choose your agent.  Insurance is a funny business because it is the one business that I can think of where hiring a specialist will generally cost you less money.  This is not true of doctors and lawyers of course, the more specialized they are, the more it costs you to hire them.  But to add to this oddity, there is also a danger.  While most doctors and lawyers will refer you on to a specialist when you are dealing in an area that requires one, few if any insurance agents will refer you to a specialist if they don’t know much about insuring your business.  The scary thing here is that they will actually try to help you, and learn on your nickel.  This, as you can imagine, can be downright dangerous for the unsuspecting used car dealer.  Just because you have a friend or relative in the insurance business, doesn’t mean that they are qualified to help you correctly insure your business.  And best of all, insurance agents who specialize in used car dealerships generally have the lowest rates available to you.

When selecting your agent, do a little homework.  Google their name with the words car dealer insurance.  Do they appear active in this niche business?  Do they seem to understand exactly how to insure used car lots?  When you talk to them, ask them how many dealers like you they insure now.  If they don’t insure at least 25 or more, you can bet they aren’t specialists.  If you find one that insures hundreds, then you have probably found the guys with the knowledge and the rates to really help you get the best deal at the best price.

At Clinard Insurance Group, in Winston Salem, NC, we insure over 300 car dealers across North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia.  We want our dealer clients to be informed insurance consumers and to protect their businesses in a careful and considered way.  If we can help you with any of your questions, please feel free to call us, toll free, at 877-687-7557 or visit us on the web at


Electrician Insurance – A Quick How To

If you are thinking of starting your own electrical contractor business, or if you are planning to grow your existing one, you must become fluent in insurance speak and understand just how to piece together the insurance puzzle for your own specific company. Electricians face some unique insurance issues,  so here is a basic primer on the types of insurance policies that you should consider for your electrician insurance program. 

This guide should serve as an introductory overview of insurance options for an electrical contractor.  For more detailed information on any of these policies or coverage types, please contact our office and we will be happy to give you more one on one personal help.

Liability Insurance – If you have been an electrician for any amount of time, you have probably encountered the need for a certificate of insurance.  If you don’t know it already, you will soon find that you will have customers who will require that you prove to them that you have liability insurance on your electrical contractor business.  This is the most obvious coverage type and it is usually the first one that electricians think to purchase.  This is designed to provide you with protection for losses that you cause in the operation of your business for which you are legally obligated to pay.

Workers Compensation Insurance – Too many electricians, particularly smaller operations want to skip over this policy and not buy it at all.  What drives this thinking is the NC law that says you don’t have to purchase a workers compensation policy if you have 3 or less employees.  But what people fail to realize is that if you don’t purchase a policy, then your company is on the hook for paying all claims as though you were the workers compensation insurance company.  Don’t skip this coverage, one bad accident could put you out of business and ruin all that you have worked so hard for.  For more information on workers compensation in general, you can visit the website for the NC Industrial Commission.

Equipment Coverage – This protection comes in two types.  Coverage for your equipment and coverage for hand tools.  We rarely see a strong need for equipment coverage among electricians, but don’t let this fact lead you to forget to insure your hand tools and small equipment if losing those items would jeopardize your ability to stay in business.  Often this coverage can be added for a small limit of coverage to your general liability policy for very little money per year.

Business Auto Insurance –  Quite often, one of the first things an electrician does after starting up his or her business, is to title one or more personal vehicles in the company name.  There are often nice tax advantages to this but if you do so, don’t forget that you will need the insurance policy to be titled the same way.  This means you will need a business auto insurance policy.  One quick tip, if all of the vehicles that you own are listed on your commercial auto policy and you don’t have a personal auto policy in your name, then you are vulnerable to a gap in coverage I call the DOC gap.  To learn an inexpensive and easy way to protect yourself from this gap, read my blog on DOC for electricians.

Disability Insurance – What happens if you become injured and can’t work?  Who will do the work and who will run your business?  Disability insurance is a good solution for you to solve this problem.  Most electricians don’t remember to cover this exposure and the failure to do so have run a few out of business.

It’s clear that buying insurance for your electrical company is a complicated and specialized process.  You need an agent who specializes in electrician’s insurance, and one who can help you navigate the maze of policies and underwriting rules.  At Clinard Insurance Group, in Winston Salem, NC, we specialize in helping all kinds of electricians with their electrician insurance policies all over North Carolina.  We can help you develop a plan that protects your business and saves you money on your electrical contractor insurance policies.  If you own an electrician business in NC, then you owe it to yourself to call us, toll free, at 877-687-7557 or visit us online at and we will be happy to help you.